室内植物 英文

Silver falls is the common name for dichondra argentea, an herbaceous and evergreen perennial. outdoors it is hardy to zone 10 and can be grown as a low groundcover or as a plant that trails over the edge of a raised bed or container. it 室内植物 英文 is especially popular in hanging baskets because of its trailing foliage. Apr 28, 2019 · temperature regime throughout the year in the room where the flower is located, the temperature should be between 18 and 25 degrees. however, if in winter it is in a place that is not heated, make sure that it is not colder than 10 degrees. otherwise, the dichondra may die.

Dichondra Seed Dichondra Repens Ground Cover Seeds

How To Grow Dichondra With Pictures Wikihow

Dichondra is classified as a warm season groundcover although it tolerates temperatures to 20 degrees fahrenheit and does best when grown in cool, coastal areas within u. s. department of. 2018年6月3日 而且植物也是永远不会过时的室内装饰点缀,在家里养一些绿植,好看又环保。 下面rain我来做一下那些易养活又能净化空气的室内绿植以及栽种 .

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室内植物摆放大全名字和图片{详解精华} 2018-03-06 20:52 家中不同的房间有不同的功能和特点,适合摆放不同的植物以利于人体健康。. 室内植物,室内绿化装饰的意义和作用 室内绿化装饰是指按照室内环境的特点,利用以室内观叶植物为主的观赏材料,结合人们的生活需要,对使用的器物和场所进行美化装饰。.

House-plant的解释是:室内植物,室内盆栽植物… 同时,该页为英语学习者提供: house-plant的中文翻译、英英详解、单词音标、在线发音、例句等。. 室内植物的英文翻译:house plant…,查阅室内植物英文怎么说,室内植物的英语 读音例句用法和详细解释。. Dichondra plant info. dichondra (dichondra repens) is a perennial ground cover plant (in usda zones 7-11) that has a somewhat upright, creeping habit with circular leaves. it is not usually over 2 inches (5 cm. ) in height and retains its bright green color in temperatures as low 室内植物 英文 as 25 f. (-3 c. ).

Dichondra silver falls is notable for its creeping stems, reaching a length of one and a half meters, for which the culture is used as an ampel plant. the stems have surface roots formed in the internodes, which are easily rooted temperature regime. throughout the year in the room where the flower is located, the temperature should be. See full list on lawngrasses. com. Dichondra can be grown in full sun or in partial shade and on soils that are sandy or heavy, as long as the soil has good drainage. temperature range: dichondra is best adapted to those areas that have warm climates. dichondra will retain its green color during the winter to temperatures as low as 20 25 degrees with only slight leaf browning. “金钱树”又叫“雪铁芋”,“泽米芋”或“羽毛勾铁”,学名zamioculcas zamiifolia,英文俗称“zz plant”。学名第二部分“zamiifolia”是“叶片长得像zamia泽米苏铁”的意思。一般家居种植时,因在供水充足的情況下不会休眠,於是变成为常绿植物。很好养。.

Dichondra Lawn How To Plant  Amp Care For A Dichondra Lawn
8 Sohu

Dichondra argentea 'silver falls' has beautiful silver foliage with a cascading habit makes a spectacular accent plant. zones 室内植物 英文 10-11 zones 10-11 dichondra companion plants. 室内植物的英文翻译,室内植物英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译室内植物,室内植物的英文意思,室內植物的英文,室内植物 meaning in english,室內植物的英文,室内植物怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。. 红运当头:又名凤梨花,学名:大花红星,属凤梨科,是冬、春季室内观赏花卉,四季常绿,花序美丽多姿,色彩丰富,常见栽培的有大红、粉红、金黄、玫红等品种。.

2018年6月26日 30种常见的室内植物名称和图片文竹又称:云片松、刺天冬、云竹, 学名/拉丁 名字: 室内植物 英文 clivia 英文名字: bush lily 别名: 剑叶石蒜、大叶石蒜 . It is a common mistake to water dichondra too often and too lightly. this causes shallow rooting, which weakens the plant and makes it more susceptible to weed invasion and diseases. apply at least 1\\" of water during any single application (subject to soil runoff issues). also do not let the soil become completely dry between waterings. Dichondra seed need a warm soil temperature in order to germinate and sprout. the best time to seed dichondra is when temperatures are 70+ degrees. this is usually late spring or early summer to early fall in most areas. when soil temperatures are too low, seed sprouting and lawn establishment is much slower and more care is required. sowing seeds. The best time to seed dichondra is when temperatures are in the 70's range and night time temps are in the 50's range. this is usually mid to late spring or late summer to early fall. when soil temperatures are too low, seed sprouting and establishment will take much longer or may not occur at all.

 Ichacha Net

Temperature nights: 62 to 65°f (16° to 18°c) days: 65 to 75°f (18° to 24°c) light higher light levels result in foliage that is more silver in color and shorter internodes. irrigation silver falls dichondra benefits from warm, dry growing conditions. let crop dry out well in between irrigations. fertilizer. 室內盆栽英文是「houseplants」與「indoor plants」,是由房子與室內的英文「 house 與indoor」+ 植物的英文「plants」組合而成,一般來說,如果你要找國外 . In order to germinate well and sprout, dichondra seed needs a warm soil temperature, so make sure to grow them when winter has passed. 1. prepare the planting site. spade the seed bed 5 or 6 inches deep to promote good drainage and to loosen the soil. rake the planting site before scattering the seeds.

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