Cretonne (n. ) "cotton cloth with various textures of surface," 1863 (godey's, in the november edition, where it is presented as a new material, "of french make, and resembling alpaca"), from french cretonne (1723), supposedly from creton, village in normandy where it originally was made. Cretonne was originally a strong, white fabric with a hempen warp and linen weft.. the word is sometimes said to be derived from creton, a village in normandy where the manufacture of linen was carried on; some other serious sources mention that the cretonne was invented by paul creton, an inhabitant of vimoutiers in the pays d'auge, lower normandy, france, a village very active in the textile. Cretonne definition is a strong cotton or linen cloth used especially for curtains and upholstery. Italy. manufacturers of jacquard and dobby woven, yarn and piece dyed, and finished organza, voile, cretonne and taffeta fabrics for curtains and furnishing applications, from natural and man-made fibers and blends. also, fire-retardant polyester fabrics. detailed fabrics designs catalog. english, italian and german.
apron can be made up in gingham or cretonne (a printed cotton fabric often recommended for aprons) Cretonne, any printed fabric, usually cotton, of the weight used chiefly for furniture upholstery, hangings, window cretonne drapery, and other comparatively heavy-duty household purposes. the fabric is similar to chintz but has a dull finish. the finer and lighter textures of cretonnes are made into.
Cretonne an unglazed heavy fabric; brightly printed; used for slipcovers and draperies cloth fabric textile material artifact made by weaving or felting or knitting or crocheting natural or synthetic fibers; "the fabric in the curtains was light and semitransparent"; "woven cloth originated in mesopotamia around 5000 bc"; "she. Cretonne definition, a heavy cotton material in colorfully printed designs, used especially for drapery and slipcovers. see more. Cretonne, any printed fabric, usually cotton, of the weight used chiefly for furniture upholstery, hangings, cretonne window drapery, and other comparatively heavy-duty .
Cretonne Twitch
Definition of cretonne in the definitions. net dictionary. meaning of cretonne. what does cretonne mean? information and translations of cretonne in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. cretives cretivi cretivite cretivo cretize creto creto creton cretonne cretonne cretonne cretonnes cretonnes cretore cretori cretoria cretrice cretrices cretur cretur creture Cretonne was originally a strong, white fabric with a hempen warp and linen weft. the word is sometimes said to be derived from creton, a village in normandy .
Cretonne Catwalk Yourself
Directions. in a large saute pan, add the pork and cook until no longer pink, about 3 minutes. add the onions and garlic, and cook for 1 minute. add the salt, pepper, cloves, cinnamon, ginger, and nutmeg and cook for 1 minute. Cretonne translate: cretonne. learn more in the cambridge french-english dictionary. Cretonne definition: a heavy cotton or linen fabric with cretonne a printed design, used for furnishing meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples.
Nov 19, 2020 cretonne definition is a strong cotton or linen cloth used especially for curtains and upholstery. Mar 5, 2017 cretonne is a decorative material with large, printed floral patterns. the term cretonne cretonne derives from the name of the village of creton in .
34x 83 cretonne fabric antique curtain kilim design french printed cotton c1890 with tiny rings thetextiletrunk. from shop thetextiletrunk. 5 out of 5 stars (778) 778 reviews $ 110. 00 free shipping favorite add to vibrant art nouveau french cretonne fabric circa 1910 atticsandarmoires. from shop atticsandarmoires. Cretonne is a light and soft cotton fabric that can be used in a wide variety of uses. this almost universal fabric can be turned into bed linen, light curtains or .

Check out our cretonne selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our craft supplies & tools shops. room-high fabrics lining for decorator fabrics organza cretonne chenille more decorator fabrics esprit home tapestry fabrics ( Place the ground pork, milk, onion and garlic into a large saucepan. season with salt, pepper, cloves and allspice. cook over medium heat for about 1 hour, then stir in the bread crumbs.
Synonyms for cretonne in free thesaurus. antonyms for cretonne. 4 words related to cretonne: cloth, fabric, textile, material. what are synonyms for cretonne?. Notre cave a des fauteuils en cretonne. : why, we'd only a cellar, but they did sit on cretonne. : le cretonne a un toucher relativement dur, semble un peu grossier, mais est très léger. : the cretonne has a relative hard grip, it looks slightly rough but is still very light. : je regrette bien ne pas voir l'exposition raffaëlli; surtout je voudrais aussi voir ton arrangement de ces dessins sur.
Cretonne Fabric Britannica
Check out our cretonne fabric selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our craft supplies & tools shops. Cretonne is a plain weave, unglazed printed fabric that is typically made from cotton. it is mainly used for upholstery; however lighter weight versions can be .
Gamer, musician, filmmaker & battle rapper. Aug 22, 2010 cretonnes were the "proper thing for draperies, hangings, furniture covering, etc. " according to the sears catalog. the name cretonne ( .

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